About Us

İnnoexport Consulting AŞ is established in 2022 and based in Bursa –Turkey The company is founded by Bekir Özata and his Partners, capitalizing on 30 years of international experience in the automotive, machinery and industrial sectors, covering responsibilities over the main organizational areas of their relevant companies: Consulting competenceies of the company are; General Management, New Product Development, Product and Process Engineering, Program and Project Management, Quality, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, Suppliers Network Development and Product Support.


//To be the prefered solution provider partner of our customers for the procurement and supply of world class precision stamping tools and formed components.

//Customer satisfaction is our highest priority

//Suppliers are our business partners

//People working together as a global team

//Integrity will never be compromised

//Continuous improvement in everything we

//Innovation will create our future

//Safety and environmental sustainability are our primary responsibility

We give Customers visibility, deliver transparency to the Automotive stamping parts and tools procurement, and make sourcing consistently easy.​

Mutual trust

and Efficient Processes for Sucessful Procurement

What we do for our Supplier Partners?

Using our industry knowledge, service-offering expertise and capabilities, we can identify new business and technology trends and develop solutions to help our Supplier Partners  within the local and international marketplace, in order to:
  • Enter new markets
  • Increase revenues and profit in existing markets


Mutual trust, respectfulness, and confidence are the basis of any cooperation between İnnoexport and our customers.

It is only under this precondition that business can be driven and implemented, successfully.


Customer is the focal point. We believe that our success hinges on our customers. Meeting their needs is our top priority..

We do also go along with our supplier partners during the operational implementation and ensure the sustainability of measures through repeated status monitoring.

Customers success is our success. Therefore our remuneration model is strongly based on overall improvements achieved jointly with our client.

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İnnoexport Services

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